How to start a FSA Club???
- What are Firefox Clubs (FC):
- Firefox Clubs are a key grouping of Firefox Student Ambassadors at
your school which function as Mozilla’s liaison at these institutions.
- Firefox Club gives Firefox Student Ambassadors a chance to meet new
friends and work as a team to help others learn about Mozilla and our
mission, Firefox web browser, grow the Mozilla community (at your
school), host events, and participate in campaigns!
– Club Structure
- Firefox Clubs, directly led and handled by the Club Lead, shall also be overseen by the Regional Ambassador Lead (RAL) in their country.
- Firefox Club shall be composed of Firefox Student Ambassadors in that club’s university.
- There shall only be one Firefox Club per university.
- A Firefox Club may define other leadership position in their clubs
or Club Officers, as deemed necessary i.e. Director for Marketing,
Director for Recruitment, etc. Together, they shall comprise the
Executive Board of the Firefox Club (as explained below in the Club
Executive Board section).
- Registered FSAs who, upon signing up, finds out that there is no club in their school, may apply for club establishment.
– Club Lead (CL)
- A Club Lead of a Firefox Club shall be the main representative of the club to the regional and global FSA team.
- A CL shall provide leadership to the FC by leading projects, events and teams.
- A CL shall provide training to the club members by passing on what he/she have learned from the CLT and other trainings.
- The term of a CL shall adapt the academic year of the
school/university of the FC. This is to ensure that leadership is passed
on in accordance to the transition of the academic year.
– Club Executive Board
- Having Firefox Club Officers (CO) as part for the Club’s Executive
Board shall be entirely optional for the club. Club Officers shall be
under the Club Lead.
- A Club Officer shall perform a specific role for the club, i.e.
marketing, publicity, human resource etc. It can be based on
organizational function or based on the contribution areas at Mozilla,
depending on what the members shall agree with. Suggested CO positions:
- Marketing Lead
- Publicity Lead
- Membership Lead
- Developer Relations Lead
- Web Education Lead
- And other positions agreed upon by the members/ leadership
– Membership
- Firefox Clubs are open to all Firefox Student Ambassadors who are
currently associated with the school. Only registered FSAs may join your
Firefox Club. (Registered FSAs are those who signed up to the global
FSA program).
- As a reminder, the Firefox Student Ambassador program is only open
to those individuals who are 18+ and currently associated with an
institution of higher education.
- There is no limit to the amount of FSAs who can be in your Firefox Club.
- The club may organize recruitment drives at their school to gather new FSAs for sign-up.
- As this is a volunteer program, clubs cannot accept or reject sign-ups.
- The global program does not impose any application process for those
who wish to join a club. As long as you can provide them proof that you
have registered as a Firefox Student Ambassador (e.g. giving a
screenshot of the welcome e-mail) you should be good to go. Clubs
however, have a choice to do interviews and a reasonable introduction
process provided that it is not a pass/fail type, but rather a process
where you can get to know more about the FSA and his/her goals.
- If you encounter a Firefox Club that restricts their membership or
requires a selection process, send an e-mail complaint to regarding this issue.
– Recruitment Tips
- Register your Club as an official organization on campus.
- Advertise your club through official school channels.
- Participate in official club and activity fairs.
- Give talk on Firefox, Firefox OS & other Mozilla projects to a group or class on campus.
- Partner with other technology organizations or departments for an event.
- Advertise your Firefox Club over social media channels.
– Budget and Gear
- FSAs of Trainee level can apply to request swags (merchandise) for
hosting events directly through the Firefox Student Ambassadors program.
- For funding support of your events, seek university activity funding.
- Do fundraising activities. However, in doing so, ensure that you do
not use the Mozilla name by making people think that their sponsorship
is for Mozilla globally, and you are employed by Mozilla. It involves a
lot of legal arrangements so it would be safer to present your club
alone as the one wishing to solicit support.
● Letter of Identification
- Oftentimes teachers, departments, and administrators will ask you to
show proof that you are a Firefox Student Ambassador specially in cases
like forming a Firefox Club and throw events on campus. If this is the
case, please fill out this form to receive a Letter of Identification from a member of the FSA Executive Board.
- This will help create a level of trust between you and your campus’
teachers, departments & administrators and in connecting them with
the FSA Executive Board.
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